If you are carrying out your own scalp massage then start by choosing the right massage oil for you. There are numerous oils out there on the market but select the oil which is appropriate to your hair problem. Then warm the oil. Do this by placing it in a small dish and placing this over a bowl of hot water.
Then dip your fingers in this oil and apply it to all areas of your scalp before starting the massage. To get the best results start by massaging around your temples (hairline) and make your way to the back of your head by kneading and rubbing your fingers in a circular action. Don’t press down to forcefully; start carefully and then gradually increase the pressure on your scalp.
Make sure you massage the sides as well as the top of your head until the whole of your scalp is fully conditioned. Increasing the pressure will remove dead skin cells and boost your circulation. Leave the oil on the scalp for around 30 minutes and then wash your hair.