Why would you want to spend £5+ on a store purchased face mask, when you can spend less on the ingredients, have fun and make it yourself? Below are two of our favourites.
Banana and Honey Face Masks: That’s right! You can use a banana as an all-natural, homemade facial mask that moisturizes your skin and leaves it looking and feeling softer. To make the face mask mash up a medium-sized ripe banana into a smooth paste and mix it with 1/4 cup of plain yoghurt and 2 tablespoons of honey, then apply it to your face and neck (if necessary). Let it set for 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.
Coffee Face Mask: The coffee face mask is a classic for injecting life into a dull, tired complexion. While the mask will remind you of your morning cup of coffee it will brighten your complexion and tighten your skin, revealing a youthful you. To make: In your bowl, mix 1/2 cup of finely ground coffee beans with 1/2 cup of cocoa powder. Add in 1 cup of milk, stir until it creates a paste. For a thicker paste, use less milk. Fold 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and honey. Apply to skin and let dry (up to 20 minutes). Then rinse.