Category Archives: Curly Hair Products

A New Hairstyle for the New Year

New Year is a time for change, so why not change something about your appearance as well. It will help you to begin the New Year feeling stylish, and confident in your new look. If you have been thinking about changing your hairstyle, then now is as good a time as ever to do it. Take the leap for 2019.

If you are going to have a new hairstyle, it is something you should discuss in depth with your stylist first. Whilst it is tempting to make a change for the new year, it also isn’t something you should do on a whim, or you could regret it. Sit down and discuss your options with your regular stylist to see what they recommend. If you already have some ideas, show them the kinds of things you like to see if they think they will work with your hair type and your skin tone.

Tips to Help You Get the Best Hair Salon in Northampton

Choosing the best hair salon Northampton that perfectly fits your own hair may be a confusing task, after all, you can find so many to choose from. To discover the Best hair salon Northampton in your neighbourhood, to begin with, you need to comprehend whether the salon is just a professional standard salon in term of salon interior design and environment. If you are still confused how to pick the best one, you need to go follow the tips and ideas stated below: Continue reading

The Fringe

A fringe doesn’t necessarily have to be straight cut leading down to your eyebrows, instead it can be swept across, but it’s a look that not everyone will enjoy. With a swept fringe you may find that it is a lot more difficult to control, especially if you’re hair doesn’t hold its shape very well, but if you want a fringe, with a hint of forehead, then this style could be ideal.

The swept fringe has always been a popular trend, so it is not just something that has come along very recently. If you’re regularly highlight your hair or you have a multiple colours spread though your hair, then a swept fringe can really work to flaunt all of your colours, and this means that it is actually the case for men and women.

Many men will opt for a swept fringe, and it’s still a very popular look. You just have to decide on the way you want it to sweep across.

Argan Oil for your Hair

Do you suffer from embarrassing dandruff? Are you sick of using shampoos for the condition that do not work or is your dead hair making you nervous to even style it? Then bring back and maintain shiny soft hair! The key ingredient you should look for when browsing hair products is argan oil. It’s no secret that hair products that contain this popular Moroccan oil does wonders! After shampooing and conditioning, apply a generous amount of oil onto your hair and scalp (this will also help you with an itchy or dry scalp), followed by gently massaging your scalp. But be careful not to put too much, you don’t want to walk around looking like a grease ball. If you want to prevent your hair frizzing, you can apply a few drops as well after it is dry. This specific beauty treatment has proven very effective in the past, causing more companies with their hair products to contain argan oil just for the appeal.

Hair extensions

When you want instant longer hair, the only resort you have is to wear a wig or use hair extensions of some type. So we wanted to explain some tips!
Buying ‘weft’ will be cheaper as these are a section of hair (synthetic or real) that is sewn together at the top. You can then sew in extension clips, so as to make installing them faster and easier.
Make sure you pick the right length of hair; anything longer than you want will only be wasted, so you’ll waste your money.
Human hair is more expensive, but will usually look more normal with the rest of your hair, so if you can afford to, go with this option.
If you are going to wear your hair up, and want extensions in, remember to install them upside down against your roots, and to cover it with a layer of hair so that it won’t become exposed when you put your hair up.

Hair Extensions