Author Archives: admin

3 Ways of Removing Bags Under Your Eyes

If you’re suffering from bags/dark circles from under your eyes, then this article may be for you. There are many causes of under-eye bags, be it a lack of sleep, bad habits, allergies or even natural effects of aging. The one thing you can do though, is try different treatments to help combat this.

Soothing your eyes with something cool can help a lot of the time. So we would recommend placing cucumbers over your eyes as they will sooth the area. Make sure to refrigerate beforehand.

Another great item to use are teabags, as they contain tanning which helps ease down the eye-bags. You have to place the teabags in boiling water first and then place them on a plate, allowing them to cool down. Once cool, place over each eye and let them sit for 10 minutes. Your eyes should feel much fresher, whilst also looking rejuvenated.

A Guide to Taking Care of Your Hair

There are several sites that offer affordable hair care in Northampton. These incredible services include waxing, hair textural, perm, cuts, relaxers, styling and more. Choosing the best curls salon or clinic can be challenging process, especially where one is looking for these services for the first time. It is advisable to look for both experienced and skilled professionals who can straighten the curls using the modern technology for the best results. Note that a stylist understands clients’ challenges and worries as well. They are ready to help their clients achieve their wonderful look, and hair style they have been looking for.

Hair care is one of the crucial aspects that one needs to look into in order to maintain both healthy and beautiful tresses. If an individual has shinny curls, then it is good sign that he or she is in healthy condition. Many people think that healthy hair style or shaving is enough to make them attractive. However, there are other things that good looking tresses can do, apart from elegant look. It has been proven that well kept locks can make a person feel nice and positive. Continue reading

Tip To Get Rid Of Dark Elbows

A common problem many of us suffer from (some without realising) are dark elbows. This usually happens due to dead skin cells and sun exposure. If you’re wanting to lighten your elbows, then we’re here to help!

The most popular natural treatment for dark elbows is treating them with lemon juice. The citric acid in lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, helping to lighten the skin tone. It’s a simple treatment too. All you have to do is cut a large lemon in half, squeeze a bit of the juice to help make two hollow lemon halves. Rub the lemon cups over your elbows and then allow the lemon juice to act for 3 hours. Wash off the juice with warm water and then moisturise, as lemon juice is drying. If you repeat this daily, you should see a massive difference within 3 weeks.

Taking Care of Your Nails

Below are three ways to make sure that you improve the way your nails look and feel. Nothing too costly, just make sure you stick to them and we guarantee healthier nails.

Never leave your nails too long, as they can end up catching things and your nails are at their weakest whilst they’re long. With your toe nails, make sure to cut in a straight line and not curved, as you would with your finger nails.

Eating healthy is also very important for your nails. Weak nails are known to be cause by iron deficiencies, so focus on eating foods such as egg, vegetables, red meat etc.

Also consider massaging your nails with fresh lemon juice. Dip a cotton ball in fresh lemon juice and massage your nails, then rinse. This should help strengthen your nails, whilst also help make them look more radiant.

Does Lengthening Your Hair Help Cover Baldness?

There’s a common myth regarding baldness, where it’s said that you should grow your hair longer if you’re losing hair to cover any baldness. Is such a claim true? Find out more below.

The idea makes sense, as longer hair would mean that the length is more likely to cover the balding spots. Hairdressers say the opposite to this logic though, as they claim that growing your hair long means that it will separate. This means that there will be a section which goes straight down to the scalp.

Avoid growing your hair too long. Instead consider cutting your hair short but not too short. It should have enough length for a hair to cover the next, creating a feathering effect.